Make Him Want You
Do you ever get a gut feeling about someone the instant you meet them?
that happens, you know it’s not because of what they said or did. It’s some
kind of signal you read in their facial expression, vocal tone, or body
researchers have found that we are quite accurate with these instantaneous
assessments about other people.
The simple fact is, you know things about a person the second you meet them. And
you react to these unspoken signals automatically.

you’re good at reading people, you may not find it surprising to learn that men
and women notice different kinds of signals when interacting with a potential
skip ahead to the video that explains the unusual pattern of signals men look
for in a romantic relationship, just follow this link.
explains the hidden signal that either repels a man or makes him feel irresistibly
attracted to you.
keep reading to learn about a particular signal you’re broadcasting to men all
the time (whether you know it or not).
probably not what you would expect.
see, there’s a specific kind of body language men simply can’t ignore.
a signal that can spark romantic feelings. Or it can repel him, depending on
what he’s reading from your nonverbal cues.
Would you like to know what it is?
Men Are Extremely Sensitive to Something in Your Body
Language That You Would Never Expect.
often ask me for the words to make a man want you. But the secret to making
someone fall in love with you goes a bit deeper.
fact, your ability to broadcast the right non-verbal message makes all the
difference when it comes to attracting the kind of man you want.
you’ve been attracting attention from guys who fail to connect with you on a
deep, emotional level, I may be able to show you why.
probably sending out just one very confusing signal...without even realizing

With the wrong signal, you end up with this:
from the wrong kind of guys. The ones you aren’t interested in.
Initial the attraction that later fades with the one guy you really wanted to attract.
A slow and painful death for the attraction and passion in your existing relationship.
But with a slight adjustment, you could be sending the
right signal all the time. And you’d end up getting results more like this:
that intensifies the longer you’re together
A guy
who clearly feels protective of you
A deep feeling of private exclusivity as he lets you into his inner world
The difference can be dramatic. And it all comes down to this one signal I’m about
to show you.
order to explain this signal, think of yourself as a radio tower.
You are constantly broadcasting a message to the men in
your life. And there’s one “channel” he can’t tune out.
because men have emotional “antennas” designed specifically to detect this one
kind of signal.
to find out which signal I’m talking about? Ok, here it is. He reads your
nonverbal cues to find out where you “rank him” compared with other men.
reads your body language to see how he measures up in your eyes. Does she
respect me? Or am I just her plaything?
Does she looks up to me in some ways? Does she value me compared to other men? Or is she just settling?
Why are men so sensitive to this one signal?Because oddly enough, this signal tells him how you compare him to other men. So it
influences how he feels about himself whenever he’s around you.
it’s amazing how much this one signal affects his emotions.
see, in relationships, people don’t tell us what we really want to know. We
have to listen to what’s written between the lines.
kind of “listening” determines how we feel about each person we meet. And when
it comes to romantic relationships, it tells us far more than spoken words.
Now tell me this. Which man would you rather commit to
for life?
A man
who compliments your beauty but seems to have difficulty keeping his eyes off
other women? Or a man who is reserved with his compliments, but seems to have
eyes only for you?
truth is, no one wants to end up with someone who is just settling. Instead,
you want to feel desired.
are no different. But what makes men feel desired is very different from what
makes women feel desired.
For example, research shows men often confuse love and respect. A man does not want
to be loved by a romantic partner unless she also holds him in high regard
compared with other men.
it just feels like motherly love. That’s not what he wants. It’s not how he
wants to perceive himself in his primary relationship.
that’s why...
Women often send mixed signals to the guy they’re
interested in without even knowing it.
happens accidentally. And I have to tell you, it’s not your fault.
has changed too fast for men and women to adapt to the rapid changes. We are
left scrambling.
In In nearly every culture there used to be a clear set of expectations. Those expectations guided men and women through the process of connecting with a lifelong partner.
Demonstrations of mutual admiration were built into the
process of courtship.
those clear expectations are a thing of the past. These days, each couple has
to invent their own path, dancing around unspoken expectations and feelings of
there’s something that often gets lost in our modern version of courtship.
talking about the ancient art of communicating desire through the language of
admiration. It’s where the phrase, “You have an admirer” came from.
He doesn’t want you to settle.
wants to feel like you see him as the ultimate catch.
it deflates his ego. And with it, his passion for the relationship deflates
just can’t picture himself with a woman who looks up to other men more than she
looks up to him.
But this is where things get confusing.
Many women want to make their man feel loved.
But a
woman’s idea of loving communication is very different than a man’s.
do you communicate your true feelings to a man? And why are men so sensitive to
tiny signals about where you rank him compared with other men?
dive a little deeper into that particular question, I put together a video presentation on the topic.
explains the most powerful signals you can use to grab a man’s attention.
watching this video,
many women are surprised to learn how much control they have over a man’s
even more surprised by how easy it is to make someone cherish you and want to
invest in the relationship.
of us have a tendency to buy gifts of the sort we would like to receive
ourselves. It can be like that with love. We try to love our partner the way we
want to be loved.
you make him feel special. Yet he seems unaffected by that. You speak your own
native love language to him. Apparently, he speaks another.
I’m here to tell you about one incredible, universal method
you can use to grab his attention by showing that you get what he craves most.
Click here now to
discover an unfair advantage with men. Help him to finally see you as the one.

Masculinity Report 2018
- Men are happiest when a part of something where they feel needed and valued.
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